Non Binary, it is a style based on life without gender, fashion and mannerisms of someone who expresses himself beyond the standards and traditionalisms of something and or rule, you can go beyond in any business you want, because nothing is the limit or the border that ends it all. Nobody's was born with a style and or a defined voice (formed critic) in some way, in the visual it is about, not having a label or step by step to follow, you can have behaviors and manifestations that for long decades were noticed as feminine and still tell people that your gender is any, all, this or neutral, in addition, you can also have a look where even if you are perceived as something that people had a meaning, look and be someone beyond time, and be someone balanced, educated and well-mannered or strange... alienated … alien, what really matters is having all the qualities to be a king … queen and anything resembling royalty expressed anywhere. The atmosphere is strongly linked to harmony and not opposition... marginalized rebellion, what matters is what is true inside your heart, as it reflects cultural traditions and various aspects of your life, everyone has a beautiful creature concealed inside their heart spirit... soul! Also, this asks or answers various questions about your status and unknown future. The milky way and beyond is non-binary and that means that any genres are worthy of the same courtesies, label treatments and honorsm, forget about genders validation, you cannot be defeated in subjecting yourself to the experience of peace in every millisecond! Everyone has a beautiful creature concealed inside their heart spirit... soul!


Genders are grammatical terms, identities, an ethical detail that are part of a character and should not detonate and cut the wings of humanity! Sex is the word, you use for living things! Non-binary means a person who expresses beyond the female and masculine and if you create a new meaning and concept to explain what it is to be non-binary, that's how it is too! we are who we wishes and choose to be! One of the human mechanisms is the capacity for resilience, when we express our thoughts and intentions, to be able to create our values and ethical principles, firmness, trust, certainties, convictions, security, rules, norms, judgments, standards, to create a sense of ceremony (authenticity), awareness of being sufficient and complete, of responsibility, with to be free or have limit, of being free or feeling free, with have independence and appreciation every day!
Naturalize the Non-Binary, will it work this century and beyond? What will the next 05 years be like?
All I know is that I wish for this to happen as much as, I wish for naturalizing the global tasks to happen as well, I wish this life for the next generations, for when I adopt a Korean child and I wish, to continue influencing people and their lives beyond fabulous!


The Milky Way causes the value of X, Y and beyond to decrease by unlimited factors and is completely incapable of returning comfort, human rights, ego, pride, faith and the confession of not having it, respect, balance, equality, leisure, rest, family and any words of similar nature, the pronouns support the verbal and written communication of humanity and the translations between the different languages of each nationality, studying human conversations is rediscovering words and think again before confessing them for example, when humans begin to talk to each other , they coordinate their speech very well, a conversation is like a dance without choreography and without music, it is spontaneous but structured! if we concentrate, we dance any rhythm, that is there are words that do not change when you speak a neutral language and especially in brazil! to support this coordination, talking people begin to align their breathing, looks, speech melody and gestures. in real time it is on the horizon.
Identity is a concept that people are thinking about again and again and some more about what they want to consider and probably because of a very widespread and unconsidered fear that exists around simply considering and thinking and critical thinking, of being punished, belongs completely of yourself and held accountable if necessary! That and or who you are is not consistent... enclosed by the opinions and words of something and or someone, or immutably permanent so that it cannot be without interruption, that it cannot be undone, as far as the world believes, that is, the last word is ours, we have the right to stop and what we say we are and to explain about us that is how it is! The identity is a far away, from being two genders!

Embrace your curiosity!

Genres need to be seen with a vision beyond the conventional, there is that which refers to and results from an agreement or a pact, which are narrow for current affairs and for the ability to clarify more modern and evolved consciences, it is at embrace your curiosity and with natural looks and with tones neutral! This means that genres express what pleases us through everyday experience, comfort and or non-limiting beliefs! It is at "Genders such as more than two types of spectrums" (feminine and masculine) favor us with a vision of having a more enlightened and modern mind than the current shallow condition, since in the future we can notice ourselves contemplating in ourselves, how much more we are intelligent and harmonious with everything that exists and exists beyond what we think and our existence!
When we are self-critical or judgmental about our fantasies, they can be both exciting and embarrassing. It may be worth exploring your true feelings about more than two formally established identities that haven't had a further thought for centuries and decades, or keeping it as an individual fantasy reserved for masturbation, self-exploration and or sexual acts beyond of yourself... with another person (people)!
Honestly, I believe when talking about consensual sexual activities, it's fine to be without laws, rules, standards, boundaries, what matters is, if it works for the people in the relationship, that's the value and it's completely normal and healthy! Sexual intercourse for example is not limited to penetration. Sex is sexual action including masturbation, sexuality is what is called sexual choice... sexual orientation, gender is a spectrum and they are ways of manifesting ourselves, of identifying ourselves, it is beyond female and male! Touching the body, massaging, caressing, kissing, hugging and even the tone of voice are ways of feeling pleasure!
If this is causing distress, the impact it is having must be understood and addressed for solve it!


What happens if you have unlimited keys and faces? How is the experience for humanity, for the whole world, animals, fans, fans, painters, singers, voice actors, and beyond in the nature of types of existences, having unlimited keys and faces and what are the benefits of someone who chose being Non-Binary, you can unlock for the next season, that is for your new life after the Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun... cycle... new year? How to, that is enough for you to play at being perfect! The composition of being Non-Binary can allow make-believe, imagination without borders and also the limitlessness of living! The motivation for why, for what and how I am Non-Binary, I will be, do and stop doing in every millisecond, will be within us, kept, in our hearts, naturally, spontaneously, in a unique way, without copies and that no one forces anyone, and that everyone motivates and inspires someone like never before!
You can make the difference unlimitedly, become the hope without edges, I believe in significant result for this page, if you have something to say for everyone, I am begging, resolve this now!